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Support Work for Teachers
Sri Lanka


A tribute done to commemorate the passing of a Great Teacher of our lifetime The Most Venerable Ariyadhamma Maha Thera. It was not until after attending his wake, that we realize a very quiet monk as he was, was very well respected and loved by Sri Lankans from all walks and ranks of life.


TVQS was engaged by Buddhist Library in 2006-2007 to produce a recording to inform Tsunami Aid donors of their charitable act. The recording transformed into a documentary upon meetings of strangers who offered their stories to the filmmaker over 3 visits to Hambantota.

Sri Lanka
Dhamma Supported Since 2007

Singapore 2016

A rare visit by The Most Venerable Sitagu Sayadaw to Dipankara Theri's 1 day meditation retreat in Singapore on 31 Dec 2016.  Recording was done in support of a great master of Theravadin tradition who has immense goodwill and tirelessly engaged in active works to serve humanity with compassion and deep knowledges.

Maymyo 2018

A short film created by drone cinematography over Brahma Vihari at Maymyo near Mandalay. The work is dedicated to Mahā Kammaṭṭhānacariya Daw Dipankara Theri, a Great Meditation Teacher who has taught meditation to students from around the world since late 1990s.

Singapore 2007

TVQS-initiated dhamma talk recording in 2007 June with the blessings of Dipankara Theri and supported by Family members of Wei Chin and Bro Andrew Lee. Translation collaborative work ensues in 2016 so more can benefit from the teachings made simple, for contemplation and practice. This video shared widely on Facebook. Dedicated to all beings.

Brahma Vihari


《缘起》 西元2008年,因緣際會,為弘揚佛法大道、宣播觀音文化,因得諸多居士善信发心努力,不顧萬里運輸之艱難,一批緬甸所產的千年楠木幾經周折,輾轉落戶嘉興。楠木系建築和雕刻之良材,用於雕刻佛像,具有不翹不裂等優點,古代上品的金絲楠木更為皇家特定專用。西南浦甘(今緬甸)所生之楠木,通體為寶,葉皮平滑,若自然环境好,陽光養分充足,數百年以上便可參天成材。此批上等楠木直徑五、六尺不等,體量巨大,品質上乘,承載千年風霜,飽經世事滄桑,凝聚天精地華。

In 2008 CE, with the confluence of many factors, many faithful Buddhist devotees pooled their aspirations and effort to spread the Buddhadharma as well as Guanyin culture, overcoming multiple obstacles and great distances to bring to Jiaxing a load of thousand-year old Nanmu logs from Myanmar. Nanmu wood constitutes premium quality architectural and sculptural material. Resistant to cracking and splitting, it is well-suited for carving Buddha images.  Indeed, the ancient prime quality gold-rimmed Nanmu was reserved for royalty. Of high quality in every respect, the Nanmu of Southwest Bagan in Myanmar sports smooth-textured leaves and bark. In a favourable natural environment with sufficient nutrition and sunlight, it can grow to great heights within a few centuries. The load of top-grade Nanmu logs for this project measured five to six feet in diameter. Enormously sized and of superior quality, their trees had weathered a millennium of storms and events, and drawn nourishment from both heaven and earth.



A commissioned work by ABSLE Association of Buddhist Sangha Lifelong Education.

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