The Very Quiet Studio in Collaboration with Gardens by the Bay "A Tale of Orchids" on Mental Resilience from 5 - 31 Aug 2020

The Very Quiet Studio Ltd is a Singapore Arts, Culture & Heritage Charity with a mission to promote better minds, reflections and learning conditions, for personal and social well being, through preservation and active re-discovery of higher truths, asian heritage, spiritual treasures.
During Singapore Circuit Breaker period, TVQS initiated an online collaborative effort to give Thanks to our Healthcare workers. An opencall to local artists garnered a collection of 28 pieces of work painting Singapore National Flower Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim, and the 28 second video is our tribute https://youtu.be/mshtSWmfJDA At the invitation of Gardens by the Bay “A Tale of Orchids” display, more local artists joined in this initiative to accentuate our voice on Mental Resilience for all.
The local artists residing in Singapore can be likened to our island mimosa plant – sensitive yet hardy. With years of over trimming and landscaping, these mimosa plants were gone until recently, emerging again during the covid19 circuit breaker period when our foreign workers are also under lockdown. They are nearly invisible and seen as “non-essential” but they always turn out to be the most indispensable and inspirational among all. Mental Resilience and forebearance are inherent amongst surviving artists, especially local ones residing in Singapore.
Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim is the Singapore National Flower, a hybrid Orchid cross between the Burmese Vanda teres and the Malayan Vanda hookeriana. It was cultivated by Agnes Joaquim, an Armenian lady residing in Singapore in the 19th Century. Formerly known as Vanda Miss Joaqium, the flower was chosen in 1981 April as the Singapore Flower for its vibrant colours, hardiness and resilience – qualities that reflect the Singapore spirit...These works from local artists form our collective expression on Mental Resilience and a dedication for our country Singapore on her 55th birthmonth celebration.
May we discover more mimosa plants, growing tall in harmony with Nature. Just learn not to be shy but retain our humility.