Elaine Wu 巫漪丽
Chinese Forum 2017
Born in Shanghai, China, Mdm Elaine Wu has ardent love of music since childhood. She was the first award winner in the 1st Shanghai Children's Music competition of 1939 in shanghai after 1 year's piano study. Then she was introduced to study with the world's famous pianist, Maestro Mario Paci who is the grand pupil of Franz Liszt and conductor of former Shanghai Municipal Symphony Orchestra.
She made her debut in 1949: playing Beethoven's Piano concerto No. 1 with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and won extraordinary fame. She also taught in Shanghai Conservatory of music and Mdm Sun Yat-sien Children Ensemble. She also worked in the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra both as pianist and chamber musician.
In 1954 she was both the pianist and chamber musician in the Central symphony Orchestra in Beijing. She was the first pianist to play in the joint-recital with the famous violinist Yang Bim Suen. The show was warmly welcomed. She was conferred the title of "First Class National Pianist" and then the Prime Minister Zhou Enlai met her in Zhongnanhai. In order to expand music field, since 1982, she studied the art of piano performing and the new trend "Visualization Teaching Method" with Ozan Marsh, president of American Pianists Association and won the certificate of 'wonderful musician'.
Her rendering is enthusiastic delicate, good quality and variety of tone. She can express the compositions from the bottom of the music mingled with the literature, art painting and nature. She turned her ardent love of music to the unusual music.
Apart from the piano teaching and performing, she also composed and arranged numerous Chinese piano music including the piano part of the well -known violin concerto Butterfly Lovers, and Cantonese music Peace and Prosperity.
Living in Singapore, she keeps active in piano solo and accompaniment. In 2004, she joined Singapore's Bai-He Lady Chorus in the 7th International Chorus Festival in China and won award of Excellence Piano Accompaniment. Now, she is nurturing and training the adult students using the new pedagogy methods she learned in USA and is widely welcomed.
一代大师 I 巫漪丽 钢琴演奏 (2008年录制)
01. 摇篮曲 Berceuse 肖邦 Chopin 4:37
02. 松花江上 崔世光改编 4:27
03. 离别 Departure Op.10 No.3 肖邦 Chopin 4:16
04. 平湖秋月 (广东音乐)陈培勋 3:44
05. 奉献 Widmug 舒曼-李斯特 Schumann-Franz Liszt 4:23
06. 练习曲作品第10号第9首
Etude Op 10 No. 9 肖邦 Chopin 6:53
07. 匈牙利狂想曲 Hungarian Rhapsody
李斯特 Franz Liszt 12:39
08. 洪湖水浪打浪 瞿维 5:48
09. 革命练习曲作品第10号第12首
Etude Op 10 No. 12 肖邦 Chopin 3:11
10. 练习曲作品第10号第1首
Etude Op 10 No. 1 肖邦 Chopin 2:20
11. 叙事曲第4首 Ballade No.4 肖邦 Chopin 11:13
12. 练习曲作品第10号第8首
Etude Op 10 No. 8 肖邦 Chopin 11:33
13. 练习曲作品第10号第7首
Etude Op 10 No. 7 肖邦 Chopin 1:50
14. 无休止回旋曲Rondo Perpetuum Mobile
韦伯 Weber 5:02
15. 娱乐升平 Peace & Prosperity 巫漪丽编曲 5:48
自幼酷爱音乐,曾随前上海交响乐团指挥,著名钢琴家,音乐教育家梅帕器(Maesteo Mariopaci) 学习钢琴。梅帕器是世界钢琴大师李斯特的再传弟子。1949年首次和上海交响乐团合作演出贝多芬第一钢琴协奏曲反应热烈。
1982年在美国深造,随当时美国钢琴协会主席Ozan Marsh 学习钢琴表演艺术及新式“形象”的教学法,获得“音乐家”称号。
她在伴奏工作方面一直秉承前苏联著名声乐家苏石林所教导的原则 : “伴奏应该是艺术指导,而不仅是演奏音符,是和合作者共同进入音乐意境,是音乐背景的共同创造者,要有深厚的文化素养”。她和著名小提琴家孔昭晖合作演奏的五首中国乐曲录制成CD专辑,畅销国内外。2004年她随新加坡“百合女声艺术团”参加在无锡举行的第七界国际合唱节,获“优秀伴奏奖”。她虽人到晚年,仍“老骥伏枥,志在千里”,犹如一朵绽开已久的玫瑰,继续散发余香。
一代大师 巫漪丽钢琴 II (获2013年十大发烧唱片奖)
01. 绣金匾 王建中改编 3:11
02. 松花江上 崔世光改编 4:06
03. 百鸟朝凤 王建中改编 6:38
04. 梁祝 伊德本 蒋泓改编 7:48
05. 钢琴五重奏(鳟鱼)第一乐章 9:59
06. 钢琴五重奏(鳟鱼)第二乐章 6:53
07. 钢琴五重奏(鳟鱼)第三乐章 4:21
08. 钢琴五重奏(鳟鱼)第四乐章 8:30
09. 钢琴五重奏(鳟鱼)第五乐章 6:26
陈锦祥 Tan ChinSiong
Chinese Forum 2017
中学时代参加中正戏剧会的 "桃花扇"及"岁寒图"的演出。六十年代参加康乐音乐研究会的戏剧活动。除参加"孔雀胆","生活的旋律"等剧的表演,也导演过本地创作"真正的爱人"等。七十年代负责新加坡实验剧场的导演及演技组的工作。八十年代参与生活剧社的演出工作。九十年代开始参与歌唱艺术的活动。曾经是本地第一电影"桥的两岸"主题曲的原唱者。
Dong Nongzheng
Chinese Forum 2017
Dong Nongzheng, born in Fuzhou, China, is currently consultant to 中 天 文 化 society and runs an agency 一 轩 命 理 he has founded . Mr Dong is also an accomplished writer and poet, with numerous awards in poetry since 1977. During his formative years, he met his Master who was in search of a suitable disciple. He has then accomplished understanding towards the deeper appreciation of human fortune and astrology. He has columns with many main stream papers and big magazines on Chinese Astrology and Geomancy and is regularly invited by media to give yearly predictions. His books on knowledges about oriental astrology and human fortunes are widely popular.
董农政出 世在 中 国 福 州。目前是中 天 文 化 学 会 顾 问。他也是一命轩理创办人、新加坡著名诗文作家。在少年求学时代,董师父即随 由中国 南 来 觅 徒 的 师 父 ,修习山医命卜相中的山命相,对紫微斗数与玄空风水,有很深 的体悟与独特看法 。董农政师傅撰写过 联合晚报、新明日报、大众书局刊物POP CLUB、优周刊 、早报周刊等的风水专 栏。并多次受邀以紫微斗数推测每年的十二生肖运势 ,接受电台 、电视台的访问 。董农政师父出版的术数专书也深受读 者 推 崇 与 欢 迎 。
Ho WoonHo 冯焕好
Chinese Forum 2017
Ho Woon Ho, an Educator and writer. In 1974, she was appointed as HOD of Chinese department at HwaChong Junior College; 1987, HCJC Deputy Principal, 1997 Principal of DaShan Secondary school, 2001 Nanyang Junior College Principal. Upon retirement in 2005, she became a lecturer with NIE teaching Masters degree students, and as an instructor to Premier Education Management Program. She has many book publications on essay writing , non-fictional works, travels, and a columnist for Lianhe Zaobao Sunday Papers. She is also active in proliferating Chinese cultural activities, panel to Chinese Language Education Council, President to the Writers' Department (Ministry of Education Expanding Chinese Learning) and Hokkien HuayKuan Five schools Dual Cultural Learning Courses.
冯 焕 好 ,新 加 坡 资 深 教 育 家、作 家。1974 年 开 始 在 华 中 初 级 学 院 服 务,出任华文 部 主 任,1987 年 擢 升 该 学 院 副 院 长。1997年任达善中学校长。2001 年 出 任 南 洋 初 级 学 院 院 长 至2005退 休。 退休后 担 任教育学院硕 士 班 兼 职 讲 师。执 教之余,爱 好 阅 读 和 写 作,笔名何濛,出版多本集子。擅 写 散 文,杂 文 和 游 记。 曾 为 联 合 早 报 <星 期 周 刊> 的 专 栏撰 稿。热心推 动华 文 文 化 活 动,曾担任教育部华文改革委员会员、教育部推 广 华 文 学习 委 员 会 写 作 组 主 席、福 建 会 馆五校双文化课 程 委 员 等。2016年出版《育人之旅》。
A/Prof Ong Chang Woei
Chinese Forum 2017
王昌伟 A/Prof Ong Chang Woei holds his Bacheror Honours Degree and Masters from from National University of Singapore, and phD from Harvard University. He is now teaching at NUS Chinese Department conducting his major research in Chinese Philosophies, and Geographical history. He was awarded Outstanding Teacher's Award from School of humanities . His publications and dissertations include Men of Letters within the Passes: Guanzhong Literati in Chinese History, 907-1911, (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2008), “明初南北之争的症结”;《明清史集刊》, 9(2007), 页27-48; "The Principles are Many: Wang Tingxiang and Intellectual Transition in Mid-Ming China", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 66:2(2006), pp. 461-493;“‘求同’与‘存异’:张载与王廷相气论之比较”,《汉学研究》, 等等。
王昌伟,新加坡国立大学荣誉学士、硕士、哈佛大学博士。目前任教于新加坡国立大学中文系,主要研究领域为中国思想史、地方史。曾获得国大文学院杰出教师奖。 出版的专着和论文包括:Men of Letters within the Passes: Guanzhong Literati in Chinese History, 907-1911, (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2008), “明初南北之争的症结”;《明清史集刊》, 9(2007), 页27-48; "The Principles are Many: Wang Tingxiang and Intellectual Transition in Mid-Ming China", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 66:2(2006), pp. 461-493;“‘求同’与‘存异’:张载与王廷相气论之比较”,《汉学研究》, 等等。
Quek Yong Siu
Chinese Forum 2017
Quek YongSiu is currently an Electrical Engineering lecturer at Singapore ITE. He is Singapore reknown poet, and musician. He is President to Singapore May Poetry Society, Composer Association, Vice President to Singapore Musicians Association, EXCO member in Singapore Writers Society, serves as Music Director and Conductor to Eastern Art Choir. He has six books on poetry, one book on Literary essays, a local songs book, and a book on music critical studies <YuYun>. His works are selected for many international journal, dictionary, teaching manuals, and awarded with high accolades in awards and recognition.
郭永秀,新加坡工艺教育学院电子信息工程科讲师。新加坡知 名诗人、音乐工作者。现任新加坡五月诗社社长、作曲家协会会长、 音乐家协会副会长、作家协会理事、东艺合唱团音乐总监兼指挥。 郭君著有 6 本诗集、1本散文集、1本歌曲集及 1 本音乐评论集《余 韵》。1990 年 8 月,郭君以诗集《筷子的故事》,荣获书籍节 诗歌组高度表扬奖。2011 年受晚晴园之邀, 创作开幕主题歌《宣统那年的风》,并录制成唱片。2012 及 2013 年多次受邀在重要庆典上 指挥合唱团演唱这首经典的作品。
黄双喜 Ng Suan Jee
Chinese Forum Emcee 2017
Formerly a Mandarin Broadcast Journalist cum News Presenter with MediaCorp News, Suan Jee fronted several news programmes such as Singapore Today, News 8 at Ten, World This Week and Good Morning Singapore. During her broadcast days from 2002 to 2009, she was also involved in producing exclusive news report series - A year after the Fateful Tsunami (special Sri Lanka series) as well as a close examination of how Hong Kong dealt with social issues caused by compulsive gambling. This was prior to Singapore's decision to set up Resorts World and Marina Bay Sands.
For a wider outreach to younger audience, Suan Jee also produced "News In Class" - an online, video-based education programme to help students improve their ability to better comprehend news reports, especially in Mandarin language.
Ling Poh Foong
English Forum Emcee 2017
Lin Baofeng is a Multilingual Emcee . Veteran Thespian
She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a double-major Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Studies and Chinese Language. An established theatre practitioner with years of stage experience, Baofeng has performed in numerous productions with various theatre companies.
She believes in expression through art and is constantly learning to improve her skills in all aspects - theatre, music,
dance, fine arts, design and languages. Besides being effectively bilingual in English and Mandarin,she also speaks several languages including Italian.
Baofeng is an Event host, theatre practitioner and received awards such as
2012 - 12th Life! Theatre Awards Nominated Best Supporting Actress as The MDA Officer in Ong Keng Sen’s Fear of Writing
2000 - MediaCorp Pesta Perdana Nominated Best Newcomer as Jennifer in Oak3 Film’s Kerja Overtime (TV12 Suria)
Tony O'Dempsey
English Forum 2017
Originally from Brisbane Australia, Tony has been living and working in Singapore for the past 22 years in the domain of geographic information systems (GIS). He brought with him his interest and passion for conservation of natural habitats and has been a member of the Nature Society Singapore(NSS) for most of his time in Singapore. Tony has participated extensively in fauna and flora surveys all over the island and with particular focus on the Central Catchment Nature Reserve. He has served on the NSS council for 6 years, first as chairman of the Vertebrate Study Group and later as chairman of the Plant Interest Group. During this time he contributed to conservation policy within the Nature Society and is the author of a number position papers that have been published by the society. Tony has most recently participated in the Cross Island Line focus group where he participated along with others in the formal engagement between the Land Transport Authority and the Nature Groups regarding the assessment of impact and mitigations for undertaking geological investigation within the nature reserve.
Dr Julia Lim (PhD)
English Forum 2017
Dr Julia Lim (PhD) is a Social Entrepreneur, Co-founder of Straits Wholefoods, Psychologist, and Certified Living Foods and Integral Yoga Instructor. She also served 20 years in the Ministry of Education in different capacities, ranging from teaching, counselling, research and school leadership.
Julia felt called to holistic wellness work in 2011 after a transformative process of personal awakening. She is guided by her passion for vibrant and conscious living and helping others find fulfilment and actualised potential in life.
She is also passionate about environmental work that is sustainable and ecological in approach. Her company, Straits Wholefoods, is dedicated to creating products with organisations that are established in rainforest conservation and helping small time indigenous farmers make a sustained livelihood.
Shantha Ratii
English Forum 2017
Born and raised in Singapore, Shantha Ratii started her “Pas de Deux” with dance at the early age of five, sparking a long and passionate relationship that not only spanned over 40 years of her life but over the continents of the globe.
Shantha Ratii is a multifaceted personality – a dancer, teacher, choreographer, cultural activist and film- maker. She has had exclusive training under some of the most eminent dance gurus of India and Singapore, like Gurus Padmashree Adyar Lakshman, Padmabushan Kalanidhi Narayanan, Oyur Govinda Pillai and Padamabushan Raja Radha Reddy, Padmabushan Vempati Chinna Satyam, K P Bhaskar and Neila Sathyalingam in Bharathanatyam, Kathakali and Kuchipudi.
Dr Wiliam Wan -Singapore Kindness Movement General Secretary
袁国栋博士 - 新加坡行善运动秘书长
GOH 2014, 2015, 2017
“Dr. William Wan is the General Secretary of the Singapore Kindness Movement. He is a retired lawyer and an ambassador for active aging, having won the Active Ager Award of the Council for Third Age in 2011. He is also very active in charity work as chairman of the Prison Fellowship Singapore and on several boards of charity organizations. He is a grandfather of 3 teenagers.”
Vijaya Nadesan
English Forum 2017
Vijaya Nadesan is one the Senior Artistes of Apsaras Art Ltd and the Managing Director of D’vine Creationz which specialises in Arts Education programs for Schools. She started her formal training in Indian Classical Dance in 1987 under the tutelage of the most influential Guru cum a Cultural Medallion Recepient, Mrs Neila Sathyalingam.
During her 25 years of dancing , she has also joined the People’s Association (1990-2000) and later became one of their senior dance member gaining experience in Multi Ethnic , Folk and Contemporary dance forms. Her Baratha Natyam Arangetram in 1999 has paved way to her active involvement in many dance productions of Apsaras Arts and People Association. With them, she has travelled to China, Australia, South Africa, Sri lanka, India and many more to promote Indian Dance and Singapore’s Multi Ethnic Dances.
Sri Ghanavenothan Retnam
English Forum 2014, Chinese Forum 2015
Music Director Bhaskar's Arts Academy http://www.ghanavenothan.com
Sri Ghanavenothan Retnam, son of Sri R.Retnam a pioneer musician of Singapore, had his tutelage under Pundit M. Ramalingam and many stalwarts from North and South India. Besides performing, and teaching at Nrityalaya, he also composes music and has conducted two flute arrangements for his students, first of its sort in Singapore. As the first Singapore Indian artiste to be awarded Singapore's "Young Artist Award" for music, he holds other honorific titles ~ "Sangeetha Kala Nipuna", "Singai Venugana Visharada", “Mohana Murali“, and many awards, including a "Lifetime Achievement & Humanitarian Medallion" by the World Peace and Harmony Organization in New York. and serves in the various programming panels at the National Arts Council, People's Association and the National Youth Council.
Dr Ng Wai Chong 黄卫众 医生
Chinese Forum 2015
Ng Wai Chong is the Assistant Director of Hua Mei Mobile Clinic of Tsao Foundation. Dr Ng has been a home care physician since 2000. His areas of interest include primary health care for the very frail, elder mistreatment, end-of-life care and comprehensive geriatric assessment. He is currently a member of MCYS-Adult Protection Team and the physician-in-charge of Hua Mei EPICC, Tsao Foundation’s replication of the American ‘Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly’. Dr Ng is the Vice President of Home Health Care Association, and is a member on the Medical Advisory Board and the GP Advisory Panel of AIC.
黄卫众医生是华美中心医药总监。自2000年黄医生就担任登门施诊的医生-全心给予行动不便的老人医疗护理、防护老人家暴、临终医疗还有提供全面性地老人医疗步骤。他目前也是MCYS-保护成年人成员之一,并是华美流动诊所、曹氏基金会 联合 美国 “老人全面护理计划 ”案 的总协调。黄医生也是家庭健康护疗协会副主席,并是MAB、AIC医药咨询部成员之一。
Dr Chan Tuck Wai 陈德威 博士
English Forum 2014, Chinese Forum 2015
Chan Tuck Wai Dr.
Senior Associate Director / Human Protections Administrator, Institutional Review Board National University of Singapore
The speaker is a Pharmacist by profession and currently completing his PhD in the Centre of Biomedical Ethics, NUS. He has spoken widely on aging gracefully, elderly care, palliative care, biomedical and research ethics to students, healthcare professionals, academics and the public. Mr. Chan was the Head of Medical Affairs at the National University Hospital and was instrumental in the establishment of the first university IRB - NUS-IRB, and the first Nursing and Paramedical IRB in Singapore. He subsequently setup 9 other IRBs in Singapore.
陈德威是一名药剂师。目前是国大研究伦理委员会, 高级副执行长.。他刚完成新加坡国立大学医学伦理的博士学位。他致力推广和促进关于银发族护理, 乐龄保健,临终关怀以及各种善终的知识。
Ms Peh Kim Choo
English Forum 2014
Director of Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing of the Tsao Foundation TSAO Foundation http://www.tsaofoundation.org
Ms Peh is a trained social worker and counselor. She has more than 20 years of experience in social work working with individuals, families and groups. For the last eight years, Kim Choo has been involved in aged care in the area of counseling, supervision of clinical social work and training of aged care professionals and family caregivers.
Kim Choo received her degree in social work from the National University of Singapore and subsequently received her Diploma in Training and Clinical management from the Singapore Institute of Management and Diploma in Clinical Supervision from the Satir IInstitute of the Pacific North West.
Mr Wu Wei Cai 吴韦材 先生
Chinese Forum 2015
简介吴韦材,1951年出生,新加坡作家,早年于英国进修美术设计,自80 年代初期背包环球旅行后开始专业写作,著有小说、散文、游记等20余册。97 年南极之旅后,赴北京电影学院进修电影导演专业,归国后组 《红风筝》剧坊,并投入舞台教学与编导工作。剧作有《无耳》、《我爱猪猪》、《罗生门》、《友善角落》、《假凤虚凰》等。近年吴氏曾旅居北京,现居新加坡,从事乐活指导、写作及翻译。最新著作为2009年《爱的系列》三册,由玲子传媒出版。
Singaporean, born in 1951, bilingual educated, pursued study in Applied Art in England, wrote over 20 books including “From My Mother Earth” which won him the National Book Prize. After his journey to the South Pole in 1997, he embarked on a study trip to Beijing Film Academy to pursue a professional diploma in film-making. Upon his return to Singapore late 1999, he focused his energy onto stage performances. His latest productions which he directed and script-wrote include “Friendly Corner” & “I Love Piggy”, “Silent Dear”, “Birdcage” (Mandarin), "Same Time Next Year”, adaptation of Japanese classic drama “Rashomon”. His latest essay anthology published by Singapore National Press includes “Wu Wei Cai’s Twilight Zones” and “Wu Wei Cai’s Classics Go-Crazy”. His is currently an in-house Performing Art Director for Layang Merah Drama Group. And a freelance forum journalist with Lianhe Zaobao and lives in Singapore.
Dr Ang Beng Choo 洪孟珠 博士
Chinese Forum 2015
Dr Ang Beng Choo, PhD in Applied Linguistic. Serving education for more than 30 years as a school teacher, a school inspector, a curriculum and textbook developer, a teachers' trainer, a university lecturer and an administrator. After her retirement, she is often invited by local and overseas organizations to give talks on personal development, happy marriage, family education and senior citizens.
Chua Ying 蔡萦
Moderator 2015
Chua Ying is a former News Presenter with MediaCorp. From 1995 to 2005, she has fronted various news programmes on Channel 8 such as Singapore Today, News 8 at Ten, Good Morning Singapore,World This Week and The Health Series. She was recognized as Best News/Current Affairs Presenter in 2003. Chua Ying was also the Mandarin commentator for the “live” coverage of the National Day Parade consecutively in 2000 and 2001, the host of the International Varsity Debate 2001 and guest-host of NKF Charity Show 2004. Besides doing freelance voice recording for local and overseas clients, she also does event hosting and facilitates forums and group discussions.
Dr Radiah Salim
English Forum 2014
Dr Radiah Salim graduated with MBBS from Sydney University in 1995. She completed her Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine from NUS in 2002.She had an 8-month stint at IMH as a Resident Physician. Currently she works as a regular locum doctor at Yishun polyclinic, and also continues to render her services as a locum resident physician every second Wednesday afternoon in IMH's long-stay wards. She is the founder and president of Club HEAL.
The majority of her spare time is spent as a volunteer at Club HEAL, a voluntary welfare organization that aims to assist and empower persons with mental illness to regain confidence in themselves and others in their journey towards community reintegration. She regularly contributes articles on menatl health topics in Malay for the local Malay newspaper Berita Harian.