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Connecting Arts and Mental Resilience Exploration 


The Very Quiet Studio Ltd is a Singapore Arts, Culture & Heritage Charity. Since 2007 it has been evolving through short production works, short asian stories Sound Sanna,  original performing arts (piano, dance & music, choir 2020), collaborative  exhibitions on local works,  "Older but Wiser" forums to discuss on acquiring wisdom  as we age, and original books publishing, including dhammabooks.


In 2014, TVQS began looking out for ways to improve mental wellness and promote/ archive/ revive asian wisdom through different means, mediums and collaboration. C.A.M.R.E. workshop is a culmination of past accumulated understanding through TVQS activities to build resilience 心灵建构. A self care workshop that includes meditation, arts activities and traditional & contemporary movement  for personal well being and growth. 

Video: Excerpts of Pilot Workshops in 2022

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

4th Workshop Oct & Nov 2023 Open Now

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CAMRE Workshop Feedback

Pilot Program Feedback

Click on > or < to read more instructors' feedback 


Do open more workshop - benefitted alot through the programme. 


When I first attended, I was having headache and health was poor. As the workshop continue, my condition improved and I can better concentrate.


I wish I have the opportunity to continue with these three courses of CAMRE workshop.. Because these knowledge need time and  continuous practice, to get the full results. Truly grateful to all the 3 instructors and to our coordinator QiuTing. 

静坐课也是摸索着,但最近睡眠质量很好。 如果可以继续多8周更好🙏

Though I am only beginning to explore meditation, it seems sleep qualityhas improved. If I can continue for another 8 weeks it will be even better!

The introduction of Raga in conjunction with meditation was refreshing and certainly aroused the curiosity of members of the public. Both instructors for Raga and Meditation are very experienced and command deep respect in their fields and areas of knowledge. It has been a humbling and enriching experience learning alongside them and certainly paves the way for me to improve on my general well-being, especially the mental aspect. Mental strength and resilience is something we all take for granted. I am glad I attended this highly-recommended workshop. A big thank you to the organisers and supporters to make this happen for the benefit of ordinary folks like me.

CAMRE 8 weeks Workshop

Each workshop is 4 hrs per week. Each session is about 2 hour. 

There are 3 parts to the workshop: Meditation, Movement, and an Art activity.

Participant can pick a combination of movement and an art activity; movement & art activity shall be succeeded with an hour of meditation.

CAMRE Customed Workshop

A:  Meditation (~1 hr) = One sessions per week

B: Movement (~ 1 hr) + Meditation (~1 hr) = 2 hr per session

C: Meditation (~1 hr) +  Art/Hobby (~1 hr)  = 2 hr per session

Customed workshop (Different combination of A, B, C as above)
at workplace available for group booking.
Sessions without meditation are not available.

October & November 8 weeks CAMRE workshop
Meditation and Art  sessions per Option A & C.

Note: Meditation can be conducted in English and Mandarin; Raga is conducted in English only

Please read the following for all options at different sites.

Upon registration of any of the above option, we shall process your application to

  1.   ensure mental and physical capacity to attend in person. 

  2.   Please note that all options, availability depends on min. number of signup each i.e. min. 20.

  3.   No payment is required upon acceptance but prior registration is required.  No walk in.

  4.  All workshop sessions are in -person only. No remote participation.

  5.  Please bring your own sitting cushion. 

  6.  Participants who participate in workshop survey are highly appreciated. 

  7.  Attendance will be taken, and 80% participation effort is required.

If you would like to sponsor someone for the workshop, you can donate S$100 course fee to TVQS and indicate your wish CAMRE-GIFT. 

You can paynow to The Very Quiet Studio

UEN 201631481G if you are a sponsor. 

C.A.M.R.E is made F.O.C. for elder persons above 65 or under 18 year old youth.

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Commonwealth TaiSeng

Meditation Guide

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Ng Wei Chin 黄卫群

Meditation Guide 静坐指导/

TVQS Founder

Meditation is an essential part of everyday life, be it mundane or spiritual, if we wish to maintain a degree of sanity and clarity in our actions.

Movement Instructors

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Xue Xing Fu 薛兴福

Tai Chi Coach 



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Liang LiFen 梁丽芬

Yoga Teacher

What you will learn:

Yoga is a type of yoga that emphasizes holding poses for a couple of deep breaths with awareness in body alignment and engagement.

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Gerard Sebastian Raj

Rhythmic Dance Movement Instructor

What you will learn:

The Rhythmic Sessions are designed to cater, boost and improve overall health of the participants.

Meditation Guide
Movement Instructors

Art Teachers

Art Teachers

What you will learn:

Ragas are Indian classical melodies that can relieve our nervous system. There are 72 ragas for 72 chakras discovered to help in healing the body..



What you will learn:

Nagomi or Chalk Pastel Art is a healing artform founded in Japan in recent years. The word Nagomi itself is associated with the word peace.

What you will learn:

Participants are introduced first to basics of vocal technique such as discovering our natural voice, cultivating optimal breathing and singing posture to strengthen support.

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Instructors Background
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Tropical Leaves

Meditation Guide

Ng Wei Chin

Wei Chin is a postgraduate from Engineering@NUS and Film Production@USC in Los Angeles. She started TVQS as a sole prop in 2008 and allowed  TVQS to organically evolve to what it is doing now : Artistic creation, Community interactions with art and social topics engagement, and promoting mental & physical self-cultivation.

Wei Chin started meditation in 2004 under the guidance of Daw Dipankara Theri Mahakammaṭṭhānacariyā - Great International Meditation Master from Myanmar. Since 2004 she has attended yearly retreats and continued with methodical meditation practice for last 19 years. She does not understand why asian originated meditation practice with long process and history, require certification from western universities. Moreover her teacher has encouraged her to help others with what she has learnt.

Her interest for meditation grows progressively as she has always been seeking the way to unconditional happiness.  The initiation to creating TVQS CAMRE workshop is an extension from Older but Wiser forums to grow our mind as well as our community, as we need both to stay balanced ...

She shall guide the participants through two entry level meditation methods: Mindfulness of breathing (Concentration practice) as well as lovingkindness meditation for oneself and others.

CAMRE is a pilot innovative workshop to impart participants the necessary skills to heal and build the mental-well in themselves.  These workshops aim to invite the burnouts, retirees and essential workers who are not diagnosed with clinical mental illness.  We believe the shrinking middle income group deserves as much attention and motivation before irreversible damage is done.  Guarding the spirit is just as important as bearing out social and/or family responsibilities asians tend to take on readily.

CAMRE is a pilot programme, but its foundation rest on some ancient asian philosophies which pre-covid modern worklife has neglected and systematically disregarded.  A single workshop comprises of a continual 16 sessions within 8 weeks, twice weekly. A single session consists of a mild exercise in movement or an arts experience (painting, literature, music therapy etc), concentration-based meditation (compassion towards oneself and others, and mindfulness of breathing). The very nature of some of these selected  asian heritage is counter-intuitive against contemporary City-Living setup. Hence it is highly encouraged that participants do not be imposing goal seeking and problem-solving skillset to their own healing process.

The aim of the CAMRE workshop is to help participants focus on connection within themselves, acceptance of their own being (including own problem) and buildup resilience (Patience, focus, threshold, and confidence) physically and mentally. Although these qualities are not easily quantifiable, we will facilitate with after class surveys to gauge the progress. 

May all be happily minded and secure.

With the Support of

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