2nd Opencall for Orchids Painting -
Virtual Exhibition at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome on "Mental Resilience" in August 2020.
TVQS would like to seek Singapore artists to paint Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim Orchid flower where entries shall be selected for Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome virtual exhibition (LED).
You can pick from any one of these pictures below, and paint it in any dimension on any material; coloured orchid on white background is preferred (see orchid 1 & 2). The background should be in Single Colour like all WHITE or BLANK (not painted ie.), but a green stalk or tiny weeny bit of green is ok, but please do not add a backdrop of forest or garden.. etc. please submit in high resolution (Handphone settings can be set very high), if you use DSLR camera to shoot - even better.
You can paint a single or a couple of orchids, or the whole bunch. There is no limit to the number of entry, but there is no promise of selecting any or all. Your work remains with you. Submission deadline latest 27 July 2020.
Firstly book your preferred picture (from choices below) you intend to paint. Book your choice early to avoid repeats with theveryquietstudio@gmail.com You may select more than one photo, and submit one artwork for each selection. Another person can try the same photo but not more than two artists' works on the same photo. Or you may use your own photography works or sit around gardens to paint Vanda Miss Joaquim.
Send the digital format of the painting to theveryquietstudio@gmail.com. Please submit with artist's Name to the photograph number you have reserved earlier. Give the type of paint you use (ie oil, acrylic etc), material you use for the painting, and dimension of the final work. Email the photograph (at a high resolution > 2592x1458 or 300 dpi) of your finished painting in a well lit space. Submission deadline latest 27 July 2020.
If your work is selected to display at the August exhibition, I shall upload digital format as per previous entries https://www.theveryquietstudio.asia/appreciation-sg-healthcare-workers ... TVQS would like to give a platform to local artists during 2020 to sell their Orchid works through our joint collaboration on the theme of "Mental Resilience". Artists will liaise with interest buyers and any donation to TVQS is appreciated.
Declaration: The images are solely for reference use and not part of the video nor used as a property of tvqs. There is no name to the photographer as these are from google results, but if you are the photographer and wish to be credited please write to TVQS.